Monday, March 9, 2015


   Sooooo, to say that the J-Man loves Nestle Quik Chocolate milk mix is an understatement...yup, just the mix, not the drink. He often sneaks into the pantry and climbs the shelves to get to it no matter how high up I place it. Hiding it is nothing more than wasted energy because I swear that kid can smell the stuff a mile away! Same goes for their strawberry milk mix. Speaking of strawberry milk mix, one afternoon I was making sandwiches and had the container sitting next to me. I blinked, and it was gone...but I didn't notice right away. I finish making the sandwiches and realize the boys were awfully quiet, which anyone with kids knows is rarely a good sign. So I look up, and saw that the J-man and the T-Man had dumped the container out on the coffee table and were spreading it all over...YAY! 

Look at this picture! When the little booger saw that I had my camera out, he actually posed and said, "CHEEEEEEEESE"!
I know it was my little Nestle Quik-aholic who snagged it from right under my nose, but how did I not see the J-Man, a.k.a. my Ninja Boy, grab it when the container was right by me?! Apparently I was REALLY into making those sandwiches. Sad part is, the dang sandwiches weren't even that good! HA!!!

Remember, life is too short to only wear lipstick on special occasions, choose joy, and many blessings to you!
Sonia OUT!

Friday, March 6, 2015

I'm tired!

Soooooooo, I finally put the pile of toddler clothes away that was stacking up on my couch. I blinked and now my boys room looks like the above photo...
Geeze Louise!
In today's episode of, "Is that poop or chocolate?", it was poop...on my shoe...that I stepped in at the vet's office because apparently I have a vindictive dog! A lady said, "Oh, I was gonna tell you that your dog pooped where you were about to step..." with a, "sucks to be you" look on her face. I just smiled but inside I'm thinking, "Gee, thanks for ALMOST telling me. I ALMOST appreciate it!" Oh, a day in the life!
The Little just walked by me and I smell that oh so familiar scent coming from his diaper. Is it sad that 9 times out of 10 I can tell which kid pooped strictly from the smell permeating the room? LOL, like I said, I'm tired...but life is good! 
So I saw this picture on Facebook and I had to share it because it's one of those, "Funny because it's true" photos:
Did I mention I have four????!!!!
Despite the craziness, I love my life.  Life with kids is messy, but instead of fighting the chaos, I try my best to embrace a point, anyway. I am a recovering clean-aholic, and while I don't want the place to constantly look like a bomb went off, I try to relax. There are times, (like yesterday), when I must stop everything and pick up here and there because I can't relax if the house is too crazy. But I figure, I am blessed with 4 healthy kids who love to play, and I am blessed to have a house that they can be messy in! 

Choose joy,

Monday, March 2, 2015

Figures, LOL!

I am laughing because there is nothing like polishing your nails real pretty then realizing you hafta pee! HA! Figures!!! That is all.

Always remember, life is too short to only wear lipstick on special occasions!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

I own it, I don't let it own me. :)

You know you're an adult when getting to break in your new carpet shampooer totally excites you. Okay, there are plenty of other ways to know you're an adult, but for me, this was just too cool! So then, after hours of shampooing carpet, my youngest who I call, "The Little", spills his juice. Do I freak out? Nah, I clean it up and move on, after all, that's life with my 4 kids!  I have my 16 year old daughter, Skimmy, my 5 year old son, the T-Man, my 3 year old son, the J-Man, and of course my 1 year old, The Little. Life is good! I want to own the carpet, not have the carpet own me, LOL! The Little didn't do it on purpose, and in the grand scheme of things, who cares? Our house is not perfect, yes it's clean enough, but we live in this place! We own our house, we don't let it own us! Phew, I feel better now. Good night!

Choose joy,