Friday, May 31, 2019

Longest day definition

Phil: Do you know what the longest day is?
Me: I dunno, June 21st?
Phil: No, a day your wife is mad at you.
Ba dum dum (drum beat).

At least they're hydrated!

Both boys peed on my bed today, LOL! I don't know why that made me laugh but at least I know they are both well hydrated! =0)

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Oh boy...

In todays episode of, "Is that poop or chocolate?": The boys are in the bathtub 🛀 and I hear Jackson say, "Hey guys, do you smell that?" Then they all laugh. Oh boy! #CloroxMoments #IHopeThatsChocolate #IHopeThatsChocolateBlog #LifeWithBoys