Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Is it bedtime yet?

Today I was THAT MOM. I was the mom that got yelled at by the guy directing school traffic during student drop off because I was "doing it wrong". My bad. In my defense, I was told I could drop my kid off 30 minutes before school started and there would be teachers waiting to take them to their classes. WRONG-O. So after finally finding a parking spot and waiting in the humidity for 30 minutes for the teacher to open the door, (of course that was the day I decided NOT to pull my hair back into a ponytail so, frizz city), she finally did open the door, and I then became the mom that was struggling to physically pull her son into his kindergarten class as he held onto the door frame for dear life while also crying loudly that he wanted to go home. Yeah, that was me. The one pulling on her son with beads of sweat running down my face from my now fluffy hair. I was the one every other parent was trying to avoid eye contact with as they witnessed my crazy situation while probably thanking God that it wasn't them and also hoping my kid didn't end up freaking theirs out. But I know he didn't scare any other kids because lucky for me, he was the only one having a melt down when I was finally told by the teachers assistant to go ahead and leave. He did great Monday and Tuesday so I'm confused? Anyway, he is there, I am home and I haven't had a phone call yet asking me to pick him up. Yay me...right? And to think, I actually thought I wasn't going to have to get out of the car! Ha! Oh my gosh, I just realized I almost went out the door without a bra, (thank You God that I decided to put one on at the last second)! Whatever, I'll take the victory! I'm already tired and it's only 8:30am!
Is it bedtime yet?
Choose joy,

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